CI (Re-)Consideration #28

opened 2024-02-15 16:50:33 +01:00 by leon · 5 comments

We are currently evaluating if Drone CI could be replaced by another CI/CD solution.
We are currently looking at the following options:

This issue tracks the progress and findings of experimenting with and using the diferent CI/CD Solutions.

We are currently evaluating if Drone CI could be replaced by another CI/CD solution. We are currently looking at the following options: - [ ] Keeping Drone CI - [ ] ~~Github~~ [Gitea Actions]( - [ ] [Gitness]( This issue tracks the progress and findings of experimenting with and using the diferent CI/CD Solutions.
leon added the
labels 2024-02-15 16:50:33 +01:00
leon self-assigned this 2024-02-15 16:50:33 +01:00
lukas was assigned by leon 2024-02-15 16:50:33 +01:00
Current state: Should we implement this into the main repo?

Bonus Points:

  • variable(s) for rust-image(s)

    • automatically update variables according to the current rust version of the server. If not feasible, use the current rust version of the RHEL repo
  • auto-rustfmt

    • only run if all other pipelines succeed
    • only commits if necessary
    • GPG signed commits
    • detects possible format loops and aborts
    • commit as wanessa, use author of parent commit
  • Using BW as secret storage

Bonus Points: - [ ] variable(s) for rust-image(s) - [ ] automatically update variables according to the current rust version of the server. If not feasible, use the current rust version of the RHEL repo - [ ] auto-rustfmt - [ ] only run if all other pipelines succeed - [ ] only commits if necessary - [ ] GPG signed commits - [ ] detects possible format loops and aborts - [ ] commit as wanessa, use author of parent commit - [ ] Using BW as secret storage

The Gitea Actions Workflow has been updated with the original rustfmt code, but needs testing. Also, the variables GIT_*_SIG secrets need to be added to this repo for the workflow to work @leon.

The Gitea Actions Workflow has been updated with the original rustfmt code, but needs testing. Also, the variables `GIT_*_SIG` secrets need to be added to this repo for the workflow to work @leon.
lukas referenced this issue from a commit 2024-02-20 12:39:37 +01:00

Is there an update? The current ci build fails due to some nginx/drone issue and I would like to deprecate drone completely.

Is there an update? The current ci build fails due to some [nginx/drone issue]( and I would like to deprecate drone completely.
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