#. #The Tank Capacity of the Disenchanter #[@cui:RequiresReload:server] #Range: > 0 disenchanterTankCapacity = 1000 #. #The Tank Capacity of the Copier #[@cui:RequiresReload:server] #Range: > 0 copierTankCapacity = 4000 #. #The Tank Capacity of the Blaze Enchanter #[@cui:RequiresReload:server] #Range: > 0 blazeEnchanterTankCapacity = 2000 #. #The Maximum Extended Levels beyond Enchantment's Max Level that can be reached through Hyper-Enchanting #Range: > 0 maxHyperEnchantingLevelExtension = 2 #. #The Chance of whether Deployer-killed entities will drop Experience Nugget #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 deployerXpDropChance = 1.0 #. enableHyperEnchant = true #. #Range: 0.009999999776482582 ~ 100.0 enchantByBlazeEnchanterCostCoefficient = 1.0 #. #Range: 0.009999999776482582 ~ 100.0 hyperEnchantByBlazeEnchanterCostCoefficient = 1.0 #. #Range: 0.009999999776482582 ~ 100.0 copyEnchantedBookCostCoefficient = 1.0 #. #Range: 0.009999999776482582 ~ 100.0 copyEnchantedBookWithHyperExperienceCostCoefficient = 1.0 #. #The amount of ink needed to be consumed by Copying one page of Written Book #Range: 1 ~ 100 copyWrittenBookCostPerPage = 5 #. #The amount of liquid experience needed to be consumed by Copying Name Tag #Range: 1 ~ 1000 copyNameTagCost = 7 #. #The amount of ink needed to be consumed by Copying Train Schedule #Range: 1 ~ 1000 copyTrainScheduleCost = 10 #. #The amount of ink needed to be consumed by Copying Clipboard #Range: 1 ~ 1000 copyClipboardCost = 10 #. #The probability of dropping Experience Nugget after killing a creature on the Crushing Wheel #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 crushingWheelDropExpRate = 0.30000001192092896 #. #The Scale of Experience Nugget dropped by Crushing-Wheel-killed entities #Range: 0.10000000149011612 ~ 100.0 crushingWheelDropExpScale = 0.3400000035762787 #. #Whether or not copying a written book always get original version. Setting it to false let you always get copy version of the book. copyingWrittenBookAlwaysGetOriginalVersion = true