#. #Realism, what's that? [trains] #. #Whether to check for valid placement when placing train tracks #Allowed Values: ON, SURVIVAL_ONLY, OFF placementChecks = "ON" #. #The minimum turn that trains can drive on. Set to 0.01 if buggy. #Range: 0.0 ~ 0.875 extendedDriving = 0.875 #. #Maximum distance a train can be relocated using the wrench. #Range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028234663852886E38 maxTrainRelocationDistance = 24.0 #. #Maximum stress from couplings before train derails. Set to -1 to disable stress completely. #Range: -1.0 ~ 3.4028234663852886E38 maxAllowedStress = 0.5 #. #Whether to check for valid assembly when placing train tracks trainAssemblyChecks = true #. #Stick anything together! [glue] #. #Maximum distance between two blocks for them to be considered for glue connections. #Range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028234663852886E38 maxGlueConnectionRange = 24.0 #. #Extend even more! [extendo] #. #How much to extend your reach when holding an Extendo-Grip. Adds to your base reach. #Range: > 0 singleExtendoGripRange = 3 #. #How much to extend your reach when holding two Extendo-Grips. Adds to your base reach. #Range: > 0 doubleExtendoGripRange = 5 #. #Everything else [misc] #. #Whether or not to allow all blocks to be inserted into Copycat blocks. allowAllCopycatBlocks = false