using Godot; using System.Linq; public partial class FetchButton : Button { private LLMApiRequests llmApiRequests; private TextEdit input; private TextEdit story; // Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. public override void _Ready() { SetProcess(false); llmApiRequests = GetTree().Root.GetNode("Root/LLMApiRequests"); input = GetTree().Root.GetNode("Root/Ingame/IngameCanvas/Eingabe/TextEdit"); story = GetTree().Root.GetNode("Root/Ingame/IngameCanvas/Story/TextEdit"); } public override void _Pressed() { var temp = llmApiRequests.Context.Where(c => c.Role != "system").Select(c => c.Content.Trim()).ToList(); temp.Add(llmApiRequests.Choices.ElementAt(0).Message.Content.Trim()); story.Text = string.Join("\n", temp); } }