Ponder.registry((event) => { event.create([ 'mekanismgenerators:hohlraum', Item.of('mekanismgenerators:hohlraum', '{mekData:{GasTanks:[{Tank:0b,stored:{amount:10L,gasName:"mekanismgenerators:fusion_fuel"}}]}}'), 'mekanismgenerators:laser_focus_matrix' ]) .scene('fusion_activation','Mekanism Fusion Reactor: Activation', 'kubejs:fusion_activation', (scene, util) => { scene.world.showSection([2, 0, 0, 6, 4, 6], Facing.down); //scene.world.hideSection([3, 0, 0, 5, 2, 0], Facing.up); scene.idle(10); scene.text(60, 'To activate the Fusion Reactor, we will need a few things.', [2, 2.5, 4.5]).placeNearTarget().attachKeyFrame(); scene.idle(80) scene.text(100, 'You will need to put a Hohlraum filled with D-T fuel in the Controller.', [4.5, 5, 3.5]).attachKeyFrame(); scene.showControls(100, [4.5, 5.5, 3.5], 'down').withItem('mekanismgenerators:hohlraum'); scene.idle(110); //show lasers scene.world.showSection([0, 0, 0, 1, 4, 6], Facing.down); scene.idle(10); //Laser scene.text(100, 'You will need to shoot 400MRF using Lasers into the Laser Matrix.', [0, 2.5, 3.5]).placeNearTarget().attachKeyFrame(); scene.idle(110); //show laser scene.world.hideSection([1, 0, 0, 6, 4, 6], Facing.down); scene.idle(10) scene.rotateCameraY(90); scene.idle(5) scene.text(100, 'The Laser Amplifier needs to have the Red face pointing towards the Matrix.', [1, 2.5, 3]).placeNearTarget().attachKeyFrame(); scene.idle(110); scene.rotateCameraY(-90); scene.idle(5) //show everything scene.world.showSection([1, 0, 0, 6, 4, 6], Facing.down); scene.idle(10) //hide lasers scene.world.hideSection([0, 0, 0, 1, 4, 6], Facing.down); scene.idle(10); //fuel input scene.overlay.showText(100).text("You will also need to give the Reactor fuel.").independent(-50); scene.text(50, 'For Deuterium', [5.5, 2.5, 1]).placeNearTarget().attachKeyFrame(); scene.idle(60); scene.text(50, 'For Tritium.', [3.5, 2.5, 1]).placeNearTarget().attachKeyFrame(); scene.idle(60); scene.text(80, 'The Reactor mixes the D-T fuel at a set rate when they are pumped in separately.', [4.5, 2.5, 1]).placeNearTarget().attachKeyFrame(); scene.idle(80); }); });