2024-03-20 20:29:50 +01:00

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#If the blood gui overlay should be rendered.
bloodGuiOverlay = true
#The position to render the blood gui overlay at. (0=NE, 1=SE, 2=SW,3=NW)
bloodGuiOverlayPosition = 1
#If farting is enabled on this server; Client-side: If farting can be seen at your client.
farting = true
#The X offset for the blood gui overlay.
bloodGuiOverlayPositionOffsetX = -5
#The amount of mB that can flow per tick out of machines and items.
mbFlowRate = 100
#Evil stuff...
dieWithoutAnyReason = false
#The Y offset for the blood gui overlay.
bloodGuiOverlayPositionOffsetY = -5
#If shapeless crafting of the higher tiers of weather containers should be enabled.
shapelessRecipes = true
#The spawn chance for loot chests in dark temples, set to zero to completely disable.
darkTempleChestChance = 0.15
#Spawn extra silverfish blocks in all biomes.
extraSilverfish = false
#If an anonymous mod startup analytics request may be sent to our analytics service.
analytics = false
#If the version checker should be enabled.
versionChecker = false
#The amount of blood per HP (2HP = 1 heart) of the max mob health that will be added to this blockState when a mob dies from fall damage.
bloodMBPerHP = 20
#Blocks onto which no blood stains can be spawned. Regular expressions are allowed.
spawnBlacklist = ["tconstruct:.*"]
#If blood stains should be spawned on block entities.
spawnOnBlockEntities = false
#How much Blood (mB) can be produced at most as a Blood Stain on each random tick.
maxBloodStainAmount = 25
#The multiplier for amount of mB to receive per mob HP.
mobMultiplier = 40.0
#The amount of damage per time.
damage = 4.0
#The radius that will be kept spirit-proof.
area = 15
#The amount of ticks required for repairing one damage value.
ticksPerDamage = 2
#Item names that can not be repaired. Regular expressions are allowed.
itemBlacklist = ["minecraft:stick"]
#The amount Blood mB required for repairing one damage value.
mBPerDamage = 5
#If the Blood Chest should add random bad enchants with a small chance to repairing items.
addRandomBadEnchants = true
#Sets the default amount of ticks the environmental accumulator takes to process an item.
defaultProcessItemTickCount = 100
#Sets the default default speed in increments per tick with which an item will move when being process by an environmental accumulator.
defaultProcessItemSpeed = 0.015
#Sets the default amount of ticks the environmental accumulator takes to cool down
defaultTickCooldown = 1200
#The duration limit in ticks for which potion effect can be collected. Set to a negative value to allow any duration.
maxPotionEffectDuration = 1
#Item that can not be disenchanted. Regular expressions are allowed.
disenchantBlacklist = ["tetra:.*"]
#How much mB per tick this furnace should consume.
mBPerTick = 25
#If the machine should play mob death sounds.
mobDeathSounds = true
#Custom mob drops. Maps entity names to a loot table resource location. Expects the format entityname|loottable. For example: 'minecraft:pig|minecraft:entities/sheep'
mobDrops = []
#The 1/X chance for villagers to drop emeralds. 0 means no drops.
villagerDropEmeraldChance = 20
#How much mB per tick this furnace should consume for player spirit.
playerMBPerTick = 100
#The required amount of ticks for each HP for cooking an entity.
requiredTicksPerHp = 10
#How much mB per tick this furnace should consume for boss mob spirit.
bossMBPerTick = 250
#Custom player drops. Maps player UUID to an itemstack. Expects the format domain:itemname:amount:meta for items where amount and meta are optional.
playerDrops = ["93b459be-ce4f-4700-b457-c1aa91b3b687|minecraft:stone_slab"]
#The maximum tank size visible in the creative tabs. (Make sure that you do not cross the max int size.)
maxTankCreativeSize = 4096000
#If the fluid should be rendered statically. Fluids won't be shown fluently, but more efficiently.
staticBlockRendering = false
#If creative versions for all fluids should be added to the creative tab.
creativeTabFluids = true
#The required amount of ticks for each reanimation.
requiredTicks = 500
#If the Box of Eternal Closure should be cleared after a revival.
clearBoxContents = true
#How much mB per tick this machine should consume.
mBPerTick = 5
#If the fluid should be rendered statically. Fluids won't be shown fluently, but more efficiently.
staticBlockRendering = false
#The base amount of concurrent items that need to be available before efficiency can rise.
baseConcurrentItems = 1
#The amount of ticks required for repairing one damage value.
ticksPerDamage = 2
#The amount Blood mB required for repairing one damage value.
baseMBPerDamage = 5
#The base blood usage in mB for recipes, this is multiplied with the cooldown time per recipe.
baseUsage = 50
#If held buckets should be autofilled when enabled.
autoFillBuckets = false
#Blood multiplier when Efficiency is active.
efficiencyBoost = 1.5
#Blood multiplier when Efficiency is active.
efficiencyBoost = 1.5
#Humanoid flesh will drop in a 1/X chance.
humanoidFleshDropChance = 5
#Humanoid flesh will drop in a 1/X chance.
humanoidFleshDropChance = 5
#If the redstone grenade should drop again as an item after it is being thrown.
dropAfterUsage = false
#If held buckets should be autofilled when enabled.
autoFillBuckets = false
#The minimum multiplier for amount of mB to receive per mob HP.
minimumMobMultiplier = 5.0
#The amount of blood (mB) this container can hold.
containerSize = 5000
#The maximum multiplier for amount of mB to receive per mob HP. IMPORTANT: must be larger than minimumMobMultiplier!
maximumMobMultiplier = 40.0
#The amount of second slowness should be applied after each teleport.
slownessDuration = 0
#The position to render the broom gui overlay at. (0=NE, 1=SE, 2=SW,3=NW)
guiOverlayPosition = 1
#The blood usage in mB per tick.
bloodUsage = 1
#If the broom should spawn in loot chests.
lootChests = true
#Show broom part tooltips on source items.
broomPartTooltips = true
#The X offset for the broom gui overlay.
guiOverlayPositionOffsetX = -15
#The Y offset for the broom gui overlay.
guiOverlayPositionOffsetY = -10
#The blood usage in mB per block break.
bloodUsageBlockBreak = 1
#Show broom modifier tooltips on source items.
broomModifierTooltips = false
#The amount of ticks inbetween each area checking for items.
tickHoldoff = 1
#If the Kineticator should also attract XP orbs.
moveXP = true
#The amount of ticks in between each blood consumption when there are valid items in the area.
consumeHoldoff = 20
#The amount of ticks in between each blood consumption when there are valid items in the area.
consumeHoldoff = 20
#If the Kineticator should also attract XP orbs.
moveXP = true
#The amount of ticks inbetween each area checking for items.
tickHoldoff = 1
#The area of effect in # blocks of this ring.
areaOfEffect = 10
#The default fortune enchantment level on these pickaxes.
fortuneLevel = 5
#The default vengeance enchantment level on these pickaxes.
vengeanceLevel = 3
#How much damage this item can take.
maxDamage = 64
#The multiply boost this sword has on the blood that is obtained.
extractionBoost = 2.0
#Maximum uses for this item.
durability = 32
#If shift clicking on an item should first try to go into the crafting grid.
shiftCraftingGrid = false
#If shift clicking on an item should first try to go into the crafting grid.
shiftCraftingGrid = false
#If shift clicking on an item should first try to go into the crafting grid.
shiftCraftingGrid = false
#If shift clicking on an item should first try to go into the crafting grid.
shiftCraftingGrid = false
#The capacity of the container.
capacity = 10000
#The amount of Blood that will be drained per usage.
usage = 2000
#The amount of Blood to drain after one reduction/clearing of fire. -1 to disable fire extinguishing.
fireUsage = 500
#The amount of blood to drain after each clearing of one bad effect.
usage = 100
#The amount of seconds that will be reduced from the first found bad effect.
reduceDuration = 30
#The capacity of the pendant.
capacity = 5000
#The amount of blood (mB) this container can hold.
containerSize = 10000
#The amount of blood (mB) that is consumed per bite.
biteUsage = 250
#Usage multipliers. Potion ids are first, followed by floating numbers. A number smaller than one blacklists that potion.
potionMultipliers = ["minecraft:health_boost;-1", "minecraft:regeneration;10"]
#The amount of Blood to drain after one effect application.
usage = 10
#The capacity of the pendant.
capacity = 5000
#A list of biome names for which no Biome Extracts may be used.
usageBlacklist = []
#A list of biome names for which no Biome Extracts may be created.
craftingBlacklist = []
#If creative versions for all variants should be added to the creative tab.
creativeTabVariants = true
#The area of effect in blocks in which this tool could enable vengeance spirits.
areaOfEffect = 5
#The ^-1 chance for which vengeance spirits could be toggled.
vengeanceChance = 3
#The blacklisted items which should not be influenced by the Kineticator, by unique item/blockState name.
kineticateBlacklist = ["appliedenergistics2:item.ItemCrystalSeed"]
#The blacklisted items which should not be influenced by the Kineticator, by unique item/blockState name.
kineticateBlacklist = ["appliedenergistics2:item.ItemCrystalSeed"]
#Should the Poisonous Libelle do damage, next to poisoning?
hasAttackDamage = false
#1/X chance on getting poisoned when hit.
poisonChance = 20
#The minimum Y-level this mob can spawn at.
minY = 55
#The 1/X chance that an actual spirit will spawn when doing actions like mining with the Vengeance Pickaxe.
nonDegradedSpawnChance = 5
#The area in which the spawn limit will be checked on each spawn attempt.
spawnLimitArea = 64
#The blacklisted entity spirits, by entity name. Regular expressions are allowed.
entityBlacklist = ["evilcraft:vengeance_spirit", "evilcraft:controlled_zombie", "evilcraft:werewolf", "minecraft:ender_dragon", "farmingforblockheads:merchant"]
#Whether vengeance spirits should always be visible in creative mode.
alwaysVisibleInCreative = false
#The maximum amount of vengeance spirits naturally spawnable in the spawnLimitArea.
spawnLimit = 2
#The amount of ticks (on average), this bomb should tick before explosion.
fuse = 100
#If crossed beams should cause explosions.
crossBeamsExplosions = true
#The final modifier that should be applied to the healing amount.
healModifier = 0.1