1631 lines
36 KiB
1631 lines
36 KiB
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"At Long Last we have reached our Destination. You have crafted the Coveted &l&1GregStar!&r&r"
"The culmination of achievements through each tier of GregTech, mastering each processing line and obtaining materials, machines, and items with increased difficulty each Tier."
"But you have done it. You made it. The GregStar!"
"There is still more to do, so get your head back in the game, and get ready for the BIGGEST challenge yet! Literally."
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description: [
"Before we can piece together the GregStar with all the components from this page, you need to craft the base the star will be build upon."
"The Robust Star Housing is strong enough to withstand the forces exerted in the star forge, and support the components that make up the GregStar"
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"At this point, you have learned so much through the Tiers, you should be rewarded with something to display your knowledge!"
"In this case, this certificate shall suffice. You are officially, Not a Noob anymore!"
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description: [
"The Fusion Reactors require some strong materials to contain the immense heat and reactions happening inside of them."
"Thats why they make an incredibly suitable material for us to use in crafting the GregStar to ensure Strength and Durability of the star!"
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subtitle: "Star Plating"
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item: "kubejs:absolute_reaction_plating"
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x: -7.5d
y: -6.0d
dependencies: [
description: ["Add in UV power delivery blocks, and an ATM star, and BAM! You now have the Star Compression Module."]
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Name: "{\"text\":\"Champion of Star Compression\"}"
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item: "kubejs:star_compression_module"
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x: -7.5d
y: -2.25d
dependencies: [
description: ["Exchanging heat in any case is usually very expensive in Energy cost. In this case, some Tritainium coils, Ultimate Voltage Coils, and Large Naquadria Batteries will do the trick."]
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x: -7.5d
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description: [
"By this point, we are no stranger to Antimatter pellets."
"We just need more of them for the GregStar. A LOT more of them."
icon: "mekanism:pellet_antimatter"
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description: [
"Lets add in some Industrial Foregoing Black Hole Controllers, just for good measure."
"This way, we know that the resulting Star can be controlled, and its immense power wont run rampantly out of control."
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Damage: 0
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Name: "{\"text\":\"Champion of Blackhole Controllers\"}"
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description: [
"With the strength of Unobtainium, it only makes sense that the GregStar would include some in the build."
"There are no concerns of Structural Integrity at this point."
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Damage: 0
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Name: "{\"text\":\"Champion of Unobtainum Furnaces\"}"
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x: 7.5d
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description: ["Some Advanced Computers."]
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dependencies: [
description: ["Craft a End Steel Exchanger to be used in the production of the GregStar."]
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Count: 1b
id: "exchangers:end_steel_exchanger"
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Energy: 50000000
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Name: "{\"text\":\"Champion of Exchangers\"}"
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Count: 1b
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x: 7.5d
y: -6.0d
description: [
"You are going to need quite a bit of this as a catalyst in the Star Forge in order to craft the GregStar."
"Make sure you have 10 buckets available."
icon: "gtceu:europium_bucket"
id: "1BB1E43FFE3FD451"
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Count: 1b
id: "gtceu:neutronium_sword"
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AttackDamage: 103.0f
AttackSpeed: -1.9000001f
Damage: 0
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Name: "{\"text\":\"Champion of Europe\"}"
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id: "7466B3E2616A7E33"
item: "gtceu:wetware_processor_mainframe"
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x: 4.5d
y: -7.5d
description: [
"The Base Star, the Patrick Star, that was used to make a Star, and now is the base for another Star that will be made into a Star. "
"Got it? K. Lets move on."
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subtitle: "The Star that started it all"
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id: "6F4F04DFB8480B74"
item: "allthetweaks:patrick_star"
type: "item"
x: 0.0d
y: -9.5d
description: ["Double Tungstensteel plating will make for a very durable Star. Maybe this is where it gets its Robustness from."]
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subtitle: "Double it Up"
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id: "04345494A9907466"
item: "gtceu:double_tungsten_steel_plate"
type: "item"
x: -1.0d
y: -9.0d
description: ["Gotta have some screws to secure the Double Tungstensteel Plating. Im sure these will make things very secure."]
id: "59A7880359BB5698"
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subtitle: "Screws for Plates"
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id: "6406939D8B04D5B5"
item: "gtceu:tungsten_steel_screw"
type: "item"
x: 1.0d
y: -9.0d
description: ["We have seen many liquids that are the result of processing by the Fusion Reactor."]
id: "61D9E67FFA14A8F8"
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subtitle: "Oxygen Plasma"
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id: "0DAF912DAF6215D1"
item: "gtceu:oxygen_plasma_bucket"
type: "item"
x: -1.5d
y: -8.0d
description: ["Did you know that plasma is considered the 4th state of Matter next to Solid, Liquid, and Gaseous?"]
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subtitle: "Nitrogen Plasma"
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id: "24B5BC6C1ADADCDB"
item: "gtceu:nitrogen_plasma_bucket"
type: "item"
x: -1.5d
y: -7.0d
description: ["Argon is a chemical element; it has symbol Ar and atomic number 18. It is in group 18 of the periodic table and is a noble gas. Argon is the third most abundant gas in Earth's atmosphere, at 0.934% (9340 ppmv)"]
id: "539D5084283C6219"
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item: "gtceu:argon_plasma_bucket"
type: "item"
x: 1.5d
y: -8.0d
description: ["Of all the elements, Helium is the most stable; it will not burn or react with other elements. Helium has the lowst melting point and boiling points. It exists as a gas, except under extreme conditions where it can be transitioned into the 4th State of Matter, Plasma."]
id: "008DBEF8893F1B63"
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item: "gtceu:helium_plasma_bucket"
type: "item"
x: 1.5d
y: -7.0d
dependencies: [
description: [
"Saying that this is a massive multiblock structure is an understatement. "
"It requires 3213 Atomic Casings, too many to fit in your inventory, so that part was left at 1 in the quest. "
"But the benefits are astounding. So give it a shot. It dual functions as a resource generator, and a power generator. The power gen numbers are insane."
icon: "gtceu:micro_universe_orb"
id: "4C33366BAD0256CF"
rewards: [{
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id: "2EB688D929E18540"
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type: "loot"
shape: "heart"
size: 1.6d
subtitle: "Huh?"
tasks: [
id: "5C4C327EF7C20629"
item: "gtceu:micro_universe_orb"
type: "item"
count: 16L
id: "382025000E17124F"
item: "allthecompressed:atm_star_block_2x"
type: "item"
count: 44L
id: "3E9BF312DCCD0CBD"
item: "gtceu:fusion_casing_mk3"
type: "item"
count: 134L
id: "6A83E5C44427C560"
item: "gtceu:fusion_glass"
type: "item"
count: 600L
id: "69FDB28A4D98F573"
item: "gtceu:superconducting_coil"
type: "item"
id: "241FE00A20514BBE"
item: "gtceu:atomic_casing"
type: "item"
count: 160L
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item: "kubejs:micro_universe_energy_transmitter"
type: "item"
count: 28L
id: "18324DF3EDCE5200"
item: "kubejs:micro_universe_focus_lens"
type: "item"
count: 768L
id: "22BD6AEC9CA35673"
item: "connectedglass:clear_glass_black"
type: "item"
x: 10.0d
y: 0.0d
description: [
"A catalyst is needed for this process. "
"The Catalyst will ensure that each operation is able to properly complete. They will also be used in the creation of the controller for the Multiblock"
id: "1060C764347CC243"
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shape: "gear"
size: 1.5d
subtitle: "We need Cats"
tasks: [{
id: "056C7886E8C6641D"
item: "kubejs:micro_universe_catalyst"
type: "item"
x: 12.0d
y: 0.0d
description: ["This is quite the lot of Neutonium. But, look around. There may be other ways to synthesize the resource."]
id: "217FA79B7D4C56CD"
rewards: [{
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id: "33204AC9BEE0E0AD"
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type: "loot"
subtitle: "A Lot of Neutronium"
tasks: [{
count: 128L
id: "29554C352E94FDBA"
item: "gtceu:neutronium_block"
type: "item"
x: -4.5d
y: -9.0d
description: ["Having an optimized method to craft these, that takes minimal time will benefit you as you move forward."]
id: "0737D64B0CCAE334"
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subtitle: "Fusion Casings... Again"
tasks: [{
count: 16L
id: "28439B5824F1D69B"
item: "gtceu:fusion_casing_mk3"
type: "item"
x: -8.0d
y: -8.5d
description: [
"Well technically its more. Weve already used these previously. "
"At least they arent that hard to craft."
id: "44BE268EC7D2689D"
rewards: [{
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id: "2EEE06E7FDB89A89"
table_id: 341947171990021391L
type: "loot"
subtitle: "MORE Coil?!"
tasks: [{
count: 16L
id: "3827A0218C42F225"
item: "gtceu:fusion_coil"
type: "item"
x: -9.5d
y: -6.5d
description: [
"More fusion glass. Just this time we need it to craft a component, not for a multiblock. "
"You may want to figure a way to passively produce these..."
id: "754229E1F1D2DA8A"
rewards: [{
exclude_from_claim_all: true
id: "5745B99A3DC98390"
table_id: 7025454341029952768L
type: "loot"
subtitle: "I prefer the window seat"
tasks: [{
count: 16L
id: "4B5E0984A8670146"
item: "gtceu:fusion_glass"
type: "item"
x: -9.0d
y: -8.5d
description: ["Liquid Uranium 235. Lets use this liquid to bind together the other components and craft the Absolute Reaction Plate"]
id: "452B3207B6C3A5D7"
rewards: [{
exclude_from_claim_all: true
id: "6D703D3006EEF3EB"
table_id: 7025454341029952768L
type: "loot"
subtitle: "U235"
tasks: [{
id: "53B39EA986E22753"
item: "gtceu:uranium_235_bucket"
type: "item"
x: -9.5d
y: -7.5d
dependencies: [
description: [
"If we needed something that could ensure the transmission of every tier, with the highest level of efficiency, what would we get?"
"Maybe combining every Superconductor available into a single cable will do the trick!"
id: "768951FBE8A5C934"
rewards: [
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id: "0FFF6BB4765C0E3A"
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id: "16470AE441828AF5"
item: "reliquary:pedestals/passive/black_passive_pedestal"
type: "item"
id: "05F606E17F62ED7C"
item: {
Count: 1b
id: "gtceu:neutronium_wire_cutter"
tag: {
DisallowContainerItem: 0b
GT.Behaviours: {
RelocateMinedBlocks: 1b
GT.Tool: {
Damage: 0
HarvestLevel: 6
MaxDamage: 65534
ToolSpeed: 184.0f
HideFlags: 2
Unbreakable: 1b
display: {
Name: "{\"text\":\"Champion of Hyper Conductivity\"}"
type: "item"
shape: "square"
size: 1.5d
subtitle: "Hyperconductivity"
tasks: [{
id: "5F02434BE29DBE19"
item: "kubejs:cable_of_hyperconductivity"
type: "item"
x: -6.0d
y: 7.5d
dependencies: ["12B041E34F58FDD2"]
description: ["The GregStar can be broken into Shards. We can then utilize those shards to make one of the most OP items!"]
id: "73E639487E878948"
rewards: [{
exclude_from_claim_all: true
id: "219DDF99241102C7"
table_id: 1193402146821170967L
type: "loot"
shape: "gear"
size: 1.6d
subtitle: "GregStar Shard"
tasks: [{
id: "7EA1111B5D68265A"
item: "kubejs:greg_star_shard"
type: "item"
x: -9.6d
y: 0.0d
description: [
"The Classic ATM Star. You should already be familiar with this, and I am sure you have a process to craft them down pat. "
"This is a breeze for you."
id: "05D6CE1B501F59B5"
rewards: [{
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id: "6008E2BF84521863"
table_id: 7025454341029952768L
type: "random"
subtitle: "A Star for the component for a Stars Component"
tasks: [{
id: "5924CB4ADD420BE1"
item: "allthetweaks:atm_star"
type: "item"
x: -9.0d
y: -3.0d
description: [
"These are complex components to make. Making 1 of them is quite the task, involving many materials and many process lines. "
"Now we need 16 of them to proceed. But I'm sure you are up to the task."
id: "476B99789CA7BD96"
rewards: [{
exclude_from_claim_all: true
id: "39D117E511FEA6A3"
table_id: 1818042308417101752L
type: "random"
subtitle: "Not A Small Order"
tasks: [{
count: 16L
id: "64278A446E19A8A2"
item: "gtceu:energy_cluster"
type: "item"
x: -10.0d
y: -3.0d
description: [
"You are going to need a Qty of 4 to proceed. In function these will transform power from UV to UHV power, but we dont need these for power conversion. "
"Its going to be used as a crafting component."
id: "38C0D3A240E43A23"
rewards: [{
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id: "45C1F46789F59BAE"
table_id: 1818042308417101752L
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subtitle: "Transformers Robots in Disguise"
tasks: [{
count: 4L
id: "4369069D6EB498DD"
item: "gtceu:uv_transformer_16a"
type: "item"
x: -10.0d
y: -4.0d
description: [
"This may have a lot of Amperage, but we are not interested in the power delivery."
"We need this to craft a component. Im sure you got this one as well."
id: "59908911C4FFF223"
rewards: [{
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id: "6EF5F107F9DD7D59"
table_id: 1818042308417101752L
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subtitle: "16 Amps"
tasks: [{
count: 4L
id: "6232AE3E658F5F32"
item: "gtceu:uv_energy_input_hatch_16a"
type: "item"
x: -9.0d
y: -4.0d
description: ["Making 16 coils may be a tall order. But a necessary one for the GregStar!"]
id: "61428FAD831DC213"
rewards: [{
exclude_from_claim_all: true
id: "75976E047E93A26D"
table_id: 341947171990021391L
type: "random"
subtitle: "16 Coils"
tasks: [{
count: 16L
id: "6587C2960517DCAA"
item: "gtceu:uv_voltage_coil"
type: "item"
x: -10.0d
y: 2.5d
description: ["The need for Coils is never ending. While we may not be utilizing these in a multiblock, you can be assured they are going to a good source."]
id: "762BD49C9589EB3F"
rewards: [{
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id: "7B6FE106F2F38123"
table_id: 341947171990021391L
type: "loot"
subtitle: "More Coils?"
tasks: [{
count: 16L
id: "70859C00FCD5D7FD"
item: "gtceu:tritanium_coil_block"
type: "item"
x: -11.0d
y: 3.0d
description: ["4 Large Naquadria Batteries will wrap up the required items for this component of the GregStar"]
id: "176C06C7593C264E"
rewards: [{
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id: "2AE3CE5197F89660"
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subtitle: "Quad Batteries"
tasks: [{
count: 4L
id: "1197FAFBC2C62C30"
item: "gtceu:uv_naquadria_battery"
type: "item"
x: -10.0d
y: 3.5d
description: ["16x Mercury Barium Calcium Cuprate wire - Qty 8"]
id: "7DDF87A5856F9FE3"
rewards: [{
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id: "4DE72A995D810B49"
table_id: 822291801189586703L
type: "loot"
subtitle: "HV Superconductor"
tasks: [{
count: 8L
id: "0F4171BC636CD47E"
item: "gtceu:mercury_barium_calcium_cuprate_hex_wire"
type: "item"
x: -9.5d
y: 7.0d
description: ["16x Indium Tin Barium Titanium Cuprate Wire - Qty 8"]
id: "52F81AFDE2DC39EF"
rewards: [{
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id: "7761A8080973D0DE"
table_id: 7041264405549027492L
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subtitle: "LuV Superconductor"
tasks: [{
id: "7D4CC15F7269CDFF"
item: "gtceu:indium_tin_barium_titanium_cuprate_hex_wire"
type: "item"
x: -5.5d
y: 9.5d
description: ["16x Manganese Phosphide wires - Qty 8"]
id: "04362E2A5C541EC5"
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id: "6712F3890BCA9D07"
table_id: 4804065436311136435L
type: "loot"
subtitle: "LV Superconductor"
tasks: [{
count: 8L
id: "4E79400A9BC7370E"
item: "gtceu:manganese_phosphide_hex_wire"
type: "item"
x: -9.5d
y: 6.0d
description: ["16x Magnesium Diboride Wire - Qty 8"]
id: "1F733319E9F4DFE5"
rewards: [{
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id: "6A31323028DBE07A"
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subtitle: "MV Superconductor"
tasks: [{
count: 8L
id: "395487D6B3ABCC6C"
item: "gtceu:magnesium_diboride_hex_wire"
type: "item"
x: -8.5d
y: 6.0d
description: ["16x Enriched Naquadah Trinium Europium Duranide wire - Qty 8"]
id: "47D201ED115F6D6D"
rewards: [{
exclude_from_claim_all: true
id: "2A561A6003938759"
table_id: 1818042308417101752L
type: "loot"
subtitle: "UV Superconductor"
tasks: [{
id: "7A0CFEE89FBD1882"
item: "gtceu:enriched_naquadah_trinium_europium_duranide_hex_wire"
type: "item"
x: -5.5d
y: 10.5d
description: ["16x Uranium Rhodium Dinaquadide wire - Qty 8"]
id: "65B40CBB9C6AD5DF"
rewards: [{
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id: "6590E694F5ABD152"
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type: "loot"
subtitle: "ZPM Superconductor"
tasks: [{
id: "1CE36B96C09AFD98"
item: "gtceu:uranium_rhodium_dinaquadide_hex_wire"
type: "item"
x: -6.5d
y: 10.5d
description: ["16x Uranium Triplatinum Wire - Qty 8"]
id: "5357A140DD05654A"
rewards: [{
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id: "6D8FEA3F1ABAF30A"
table_id: 5304546381530089504L
type: "loot"
subtitle: "EV Superconductor"
tasks: [{
count: 8L
id: "0614DD90A7665C68"
item: "gtceu:uranium_triplatinum_hex_wire"
type: "item"
x: -8.5d
y: 7.0d
description: ["16x Samarium Iron Arsenic Oxide wire - Qty 8"]
id: "3E7EE5FC7863B0B2"
rewards: [{
exclude_from_claim_all: true
id: "442831D834446D4F"
table_id: 6202000790833671070L
type: "loot"
subtitle: "IV Superconductor"
tasks: [{
id: "5B4622DEC901669B"
item: "gtceu:samarium_iron_arsenic_oxide_hex_wire"
type: "item"
x: -6.5d
y: 9.5d
description: ["Do you feel like you are levitating yet? Might be all that shulker from that Soul Vial."]
id: "5AAD0E516762BA53"
rewards: [{
exclude_from_claim_all: true
id: "78E707F77E0FDC15"
table_id: 7025454341029952768L
type: "loot"
subtitle: "Prescient Crystal"
tasks: [{
id: "470B547A16790A4F"
item: "enderio:prescient_crystal"
type: "item"
x: 9.5d
y: -6.5d
description: ["Use 3 other crystals to craft this crystal. "]
id: "3673893C88EB5EDE"
rewards: [{
exclude_from_claim_all: true
id: "3EAD198D95EDDECA"
table_id: 7025454341029952768L
type: "loot"
subtitle: "Weathering the Storm"
tasks: [{
id: "218BDC8B0562A54A"
item: "enderio:weather_crystal"
type: "item"
x: 9.5d
y: -5.5d
description: ["Tier 3 Ender IO Exchanger Core. This is the top of the line when it comes to the EnderIO Exchanger Cores."]
id: "70B518EC050678AE"
rewards: [{
exclude_from_claim_all: true
id: "2B503B2AD1134FB3"
table_id: 7025454341029952768L
type: "loot"
subtitle: "Top Tier Exchanger"
tasks: [{
id: "22436C76962DB59C"
item: "exchangers:eio_exchanger_core_tier3"
type: "item"
x: 10.5d
y: -6.0d
dependencies: ["73E639487E878948"]
description: ["Making Antimatter is always a challenge. Process lines, the time to process, and the power. This will check off one of those items that will no longer be a concern."]
id: "48576E17428906E7"
rewards: [{
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id: "259336BEEDD70B1B"
table_id: 7175652334583451871L
type: "loot"
shape: "heart"
size: 1.75d
subtitle: "Creative Chemicals"
tasks: [{
id: "16816C057E91438E"
item: "mekanism:creative_chemical_tank"
type: "item"
x: -12.0d
y: 0.0d
description: [
"The Micro Universe Orb requires a lot of power to operate. This power needs to be conentrated to best utilize it for the operataions."
"To achieve this, the structure needs Focus Lenses. "
id: "65A966D22EC7F9AA"
rewards: [{
exclude_from_claim_all: true
id: "06924FCA3F701C58"
table_id: 8781463007120195614L
type: "loot"
shape: "gear"
size: 1.5d
subtitle: "Focused Energy"
tasks: [{
id: "0A648B31D7BC4544"
item: "kubejs:micro_universe_focus_lens"
type: "item"
x: 10.0d
y: -2.0d
description: [
"With the power requirements of the structure, something is needed to ensure the energy can be transmitted properly."
"These Energy Transmitters will do the trick."
id: "350B4AC4ADF7F84B"
rewards: [{
exclude_from_claim_all: true
id: "39FCD56A1BAFB22D"
table_id: 8781463007120195614L
type: "loot"
shape: "gear"
size: 1.5d
subtitle: "Utilizing the Power"
tasks: [{
id: "1B02FFA5C727B8BC"
item: "kubejs:micro_universe_energy_transmitter"
type: "item"
x: 10.0d
y: 2.0d
title: "{atm9.chapters.36.title}"