2024-03-20 20:29:50 +01:00

1422 lines
27 KiB

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xp: 10
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type: "item"
title: "{atm9.quest.SG.toolrod}"
x: -0.5d
y: 3.0d
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xp: 10
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id: "5DAB130AC2130247"
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type: "random"
subtitle: "{atm9.quest.SG.subt.alloyer}"
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id: "7F18323AEA5BF486"
item: "silentgear:metal_alloyer"
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title: "{atm9.quest.SG.alloyer}"
x: 11.0d
y: 0.0d
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title: "{atm9.quest.SG.tier1SGCPC}"
x: 12.5d
y: -2.0d
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title: "{atm9.quest.SG.tier2SGCPC}"
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type: "item"
title: "{atm9.quest.SG.tier1SGC}"
x: 13.5d
y: -1.0d
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type: "item"
title: "{atm9.quest.SG.tier3SGC}"
x: 15.5d
y: -1.0d
dependencies: ["52EB902E76829EBB"]
description: ["{atm9.quest.SG.desc.repairkit}"]
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id: "11B0B93D725ABE43"
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xp: 5
size: 1.5d
subtitle: "{atm9.quest.SG.subt.repairkit}"
tasks: [{
id: "123B475266C035CC"
item: {
Count: 1b
id: "itemfilters:or"
tag: {
items: [
Count: 1b
id: "silentgear:very_crude_repair_kit"
tag: {
Storage: { }
Count: 1b
id: "silentgear:crude_repair_kit"
tag: {
Storage: { }
Count: 1b
id: "silentgear:sturdy_repair_kit"
tag: {
Storage: { }
Count: 1b
id: "silentgear:crimson_repair_kit"
tag: {
Storage: { }
Count: 1b
id: "silentgear:azure_repair_kit"
tag: {
Storage: { }
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x: 4.0d
y: 3.5d
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xp: 10
subtitle: "{atm9.quest.SG.subt.SGTool}"
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id: "2ADE9DBE9448AC7F"
item: {
Count: 1b
id: "silentgear:pickaxe"
tag: {
Damage: 0
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Parts: [
ID: "silentgear:pickaxe_head"
Item: {
Count: 1b
id: "silentgear:pickaxe_head"
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Damage: 0
Materials: [{
ID: "silentgear:iron"
ID: "silentgear:rod"
Item: {
Count: 1b
id: "silentgear:rod"
tag: {
Materials: [{
ID: "silentgear:wood"
Tier: 2
Properties: {
LockStats: 0b
ModVersion: "3.1.5"
Stats: {
"silentgear:attack_reach": 3.0f
"silentgear:attack_speed": -2.8f
"silentgear:charging_value": 0.7f
"silentgear:durability": 250.0f
"silentgear:enchantment_value": 14.0f
"silentgear:harvest_level": 2.0f
"silentgear:harvest_speed": 6.0f
"silentgear:magic_damage": 1.0f
"silentgear:melee_damage": 3.0f
"silentgear:rarity": 20.0f
"silentgear:repair_efficiency": 1.0f
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Level: 3b
Name: "silentgear:malleable"
Level: 1b
Name: "silentgear:magnetic"
Level: 2b
Name: "silentgear:flexible"
Rendering: {
Model: 3
SGear_UUID: [I;
title: "Any Silent Gear Pickaxe"
type: "item"
title: "{atm9.quest.SG.SGTool}"
x: -3.0d
y: 0.0d
dependencies: ["52EB902E76829EBB"]
description: ["{atm9.quest.SG.desc.template}"]
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Count: 1b
id: "silentgear:pickaxe_head"
tag: {
Damage: 0
Materials: [{
ID: "silentgear:example"
id: "7B690431CF1B87D0"
rewards: [
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id: "02F9EAB98F91686F"
item: "silentgear:template_board"
type: "item"
id: "70451634EBBAFA04"
type: "xp"
xp: 10
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count: 4L
id: "1ABEFFE6204BD2AD"
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type: "item"
id: "3599BAFFC6D53F5E"
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id: "46CF8A25D6B2713A"
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Count: 1b
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Damage: 0
Materials: [{
ID: "silentgear:example"
title: "Any Pickaxe Head Part"
type: "item"
title: "{atm9.quest.SG.template}"
x: -5.0d
y: 0.0d
title: "{atm9.chapters.9.title}"