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#The ingredient network observation frequency slowdown rate in ticks.
ingredientNetworkObserverFrequencyDecreaseFactor = 5
#If network change events should be logged. Only enable this when debugging.
logChangeEvents = false
#When true, use the LONG number format style. Otherwise, use the SHORT style.
numberCompactUseLongStyle = false
#The minimum number of integer digits to include in the result of the compact operator
numberCompactMinimumIntegerDigits = 1
#If an anonymous mod startup analytics request may be sent to our analytics service.
analytics = false
#The minimum number of fractional digits to include in the result of the compact operator
numberCompactMinimumFractionDigits = 0
#The number of threads that the ingredient network observer can use.
ingredientNetworkObserverThreads = 4
#The frequency in ticks at which ingredient network should be observed after a position's contents are changed.
ingredientNetworkObserverFrequencyForced = 0
#The maximum number of integer digits to include in the result of the compact operator
numberCompactMaximumIntegerDigits = 3
#The ingredient network observation frequency slowdown rate in ticks.
ingredientNetworkObserverFrequencyIncreaseFactor = 1
#The fastest possible frequency in ticks at which ingredient network should be observed.
ingredientNetworkObserverFrequencyMin = 5
#If cable models should be cached for rendering optimization.
cacheCableModels = true
#If corrupted networks should automatically be restored on first tick.
recreateCorruptedNetworks = true
#The maximum number of fractional digits to include in the result of the compact operator
numberCompactMaximumFractionDigits = 2
#The slowest possible frequency in ticks at which ingredient network should be observed.
ingredientNetworkObserverFrequencyMax = 40
#If the ingredient network observer can work on separate thread.
ingredientNetworkObserverEnableMultithreading = true
#When enabled, networks will stop ticking and values will not be shown and evaluated again. This can be used to fix crashing networks by temporarily enabling this option.
safeMode = false
#The maximum frequency at which speach messages can be played in milliseconds.
speachMaxFrequency = 1000
#The maximum network energy transfer rate.
energyRateLimit = 2147483647
#How deep the recursion stack on an operator can become. This is to avoid game crashes when building things like the omega operator.
operatorRecursionLimit = 256
#If the version checker should be enabled.
versionChecker = false
#The energy usage multiplier for networks.
energyConsumptionMultiplier = 0
#The base energy usage for the fluid reader.
fluidReaderBaseConsumption = 1
#The base energy usage for the display panel when it has a variable.
panelDisplayBaseConsumptionEnabled = 2
#The base energy usage for the audio writer.
audioWriterBaseConsumption = 1
#The base energy usage for the inventory reader.
inventoryReaderBaseConsumption = 1
#The base energy usage for the dynamic light panel.
panelLightDynamicBaseConsumption = 0
#The base energy usage for the entity reader.
entityReaderBaseConsumption = 1
#The base energy usage for the static light panel.
panelLightStaticBaseConsumption = 0
#The base energy usage for the inventory writer.
inventoryWriterBaseConsumption = 1
#The base energy usage for the network reader.
networkReaderBaseConsumption = 1
#The base energy usage for the entity writer.
entityWriterBaseConsumption = 1
#The base energy usage for the omni-directional connector.
connectorOmniDirectionalBaseConsumption = 128
#The base energy usage for the extra-dimensional reader.
extraDimensionalReaderBaseConsumption = 1
#The base energy usage for the machine writer.
machineWriterBaseConsumption = 1
#The base energy usage for the proxy.
proxyBaseConsumption = 2
#The maximum render distance for part overlays to render. The higher, the more resource intensive.
partOverlayRenderdistance = 15
#The base energy usage for the audio reader.
audioReaderBaseConsumption = 1
#The base energy usage for the redstone reader.
redstoneReaderBaseConsumption = 1
#The base energy usage for the materializer.
materializerBaseConsumption = 1
#The base energy usage for the world reader.
worldReaderBaseConsumption = 1
#The base energy usage for the display panel when does not have a variable.
panelDisplayBaseConsumptionDisabled = 1
#The base energy usage for the redstone writer.
redstoneWriterBaseConsumption = 1
#The base energy usage for the variable store.
variablestoreBaseConsumption = 4
#The base energy usage for the effect writer.
effectWriterBaseConsumption = 1
#The base energy usage for the mono-directional connector.
connectorMonoDirectionalBaseConsumption = 32
#The base energy usage for the block reader.
blockReaderBaseConsumption = 1
#The default port for running the network diagnostics HTTP server.
diagnosticsWebServerPort = 3030
#The base energy usage for the machine reader.
machineReaderBaseConsumption = 1
#The maximum offset in blocks a part can target.
maxPartOffset = 32
#Priority list of mod id's when determining tag-based recipe outputs.
recipeTagOutputModPriorities = []
#The default update frequency in ticks to use for new parts.
defaultPartUpdateFreq = 1
#The NBT tags that are not allowed to be read by displaying NBT tags or performing operations on them.
nbtTagBlacklist = []
#The maximum offset in blocks a directional connector can look for its target.
maxDirectionalConnectorOffset = 512
#The distance from which part offsets should be shown.
partOffsetRenderDistance = 16
#If cable shapes should be determined dynamically. Disable this if FPS issues would occur.
dynamicShape = true
#If invisible light should act as full a block
invisibleLightBlock = true
#The 1/X fraction of the battery capacity that is allowed to be transfered per tick.
energyRateCapacityFraction = 2000
#The maximum capacity visible in the creative tabs. (Make sure that you do not cross the max int size)
maxCreativeCapacity = 40960000
#The minimum energy transfer rate per tick.
minEnergyRate = 2000
#The default capacity of an energy battery.
capacity = 1000000
#The maximum capacity shown in creative tabs. (Make sure that you do not cross the max int size)
maxCreativeTabCapacity = 655360000
#The maximum value history length that can be maintained..
maxHistoryCapacity = 1024
#The energy capacity of a mechanical squeezer.
capacity = 100000
#How many mB per tick can be auto-ejected.
autoEjectFluidRate = 500
#The energy consumption rate.
consumptionRate = 80
#The energy consumption rate.
consumptionRate = 80
#The energy capacity of a mechanical drying basin.
capacity = 100000
#The 1/x chance at which Menril Wood will be filled with Menril Resin when generated, the higher this value, the lower the chance.
filledMenrilLogChance = 10
#If the berries should give the night vision effect when eaten.
nightVision = true
#If the info book should automatically obtained when the player first spawns.
obtainOnSpawn = false
#If the info book can give item rewards for tutorial completion.
bookRewards = true