forked from upb/FancyBeamerUPB
27 lines
891 B
27 lines
891 B
aspectratio=169, % default is 43
8pt % font size, default is 11pt
\usepackage{../fancybeamer} % use the fancy beamer package
%\usepackage[ngerman]{babel} % use this line for slides in German
\title[Short Title]{Title} % short title is used for the slide footer but optional
\subtitle[Short Subtitle]{Subtitle} % subtitles are optional at all
\author[Short Author]{Author} % short author title is used for the slide footer but optional
\date{\today} % use a particular date here if needed
\fancylogos{,example-image-a} % define logos that are spread evenly across the bottom of the title slide
\maketitle[example-image][50] % title slide with optional title picture and parameter to move it upwards
\section{First Section}
\subsection{First Subsection}
Content of first slide