forked from upb/FancyBeamerUPB
721 lines
31 KiB
721 lines
31 KiB
\AtEndPreamble{\usepackage{\FancyBeamerUPBdir/fancyupb}} % use the UPB look and feel
% =============================================
% =============================================
% ---------------------------------------------
% import packages
% ---------------------------------------------
\usepackage{xargs} % used to define/renew commands with multiple optional parameters
\usepackage{fitbox} % used to auto-scale long frame titles
\usepackage{tcolorbox} % used for color boxes (definition, example, note)
\usepackage{multicol} % for auto multi-column in content overview
\usepackage{catchfile} % for automatic link on pictures
% ---------------------------------------------
% general settings
% ---------------------------------------------
\beamertemplatenavigationsymbolsempty % remove the default navigation symbols
\newif\ifsectiontitleslide % for enabling the automatic section title slide at the begin of each section
\newif\ifsectionoverview % for enabling the automatic section overview on the section title slide
\DeclareOption{nosectionframes}{\sectiontitleslidefalse \sectionoverviewfalse}
\DeclareOption{sectiontitleslides}{\sectiontitleslidetrue \sectionoverviewfalse}
\DeclareOption{sectionoverviews}{\sectiontitleslidetrue \sectionoverviewtrue}
\ExecuteOptions{sectiontitleslides} % use sectiontitleslides as default
\mode<handout>{\ExecuteOptions{sectionoverviews}} % use sectionoverviews as default in handout mode
\setlength{\parskip}{1.5ex} % set the parskip
\newcommand{\@minipagerestore}{\setlength{\parskip}{1.5ex}} % use parskip also in minipages (also used for tcolorbox)
% ---------------------------------------------
% colors
% ---------------------------------------------
% colors that will not be adjusted in darkmode
% colors that will be adjusted in darkmode
% beamer colors in darkmode
% set beamer colors
\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=background}
\setbeamercolor{normal text}{fg=foreground}
\setbeamercolor*{palette primary}{use=structure,fg=structure.fg}
\setbeamercolor*{palette secondary}{use=structure,fg=structure.fg!95!black}
\setbeamercolor*{palette tertiary}{use=structure,fg=structure.fg!90!black}
\setbeamercolor*{palette quaternary}{use=structure,fg=structure.fg!95!black,bg=black!80}
\setbeamercolor{itemize/enumerate body}{use=normal text,fg=normal text.fg}
\setbeamercolor{itemize/enumerate subbody}{use=itemize/enumerate body,fg=itemize/enumerate body.fg}
\setbeamercolor{itemize/enumerate subsubbody}{use=itemize/enumerate subbody,fg=itemize/enumerate subbody.fg}
\setbeamercolor{section in toc}{fg=foreground}
\setbeamercolor{subsection in toc}{fg=foreground}
% ---------------------------------------------
% fonts
% ---------------------------------------------
\setbeamerfont{frametitle}{size=\LARGE, series=\bfseries}
\setbeamerfont{section title}{size=\Huge, series=\bfseries}
\setbeamerfont{section in toc}{size=\large, series=\bfseries}
\setbeamerfont{itemize/enumerate subbody}{size=\normalsize}
\setbeamerfont{itemize/enumerate subsubbody}{size=\normalsize}
% ---------------------------------------------
% list environments
% ---------------------------------------------
\setbeamertemplate{itemize items}[circle]
\setbeamertemplate{enumerate item}{\arabic{enumi}.}
\setbeamertemplate{enumerate subitem}{\arabic{enumii}.}
\setbeamertemplate{enumerate subsubitem}{\arabic{enumiii}.}
\setbeamertemplate{section in toc}[sections numbered]
% ---------------------------------------------
% frame layout
% ---------------------------------------------
% we use this flag as a helper to toggle extra behavior when constructing the logos
% [options for includegraphics, shared for all figures]{logonameA, logonameB, ...}
% we iterate over all images given in the comma-separated list
\iffancy@logos@first@\fancy@logos@first@false\else\hskip0pt plus 1filll\fi
\ifx \fancytitlepicture \empty \else \usebackgroundtemplate{\pic[trim=-1000 0 500 -235,width=.8\paperwidth]{\fancytitlepicture}} \fi
\vskip0pt plus 1filll
\ifx \insertsubtitle \empty \else \insertsubtitle\ $\vert$ \fi
\ifx \beamer@shortauthor \empty \else \insertauthor\ $\vert$ \fi
\ifx \insertdate \empty \else \insertdate \fi
\ifcsname fancytitlepicture\endcsname
\PackageError{fancybeamer}{To use \string\againtitle\space you must first use \string\maketitle!}{Either comment out this line or check if you forgot to issue the \string\maketitle-macro.}%
\hypersetup{linkcolor = white}
\ifx \insertsubtitle \empty \else {-- \insertshortsubtitle} \fi
\ifx \insertsectionhead \empty \else {-- \thesection.~\insertsectionhead} \fi
\usebeamerfont{page number in head/foot}%
% ---------------------------------------------
% table of contents
% ---------------------------------------------
\usebeamerfont{section title}\textbf{\thesection.~\insertsection}
\ifthenelse{#1>1}{ % use multiple columns if more than one column is specified
% ---------------------------------------------
% handling lectures
% ---------------------------------------------
% ---------------------------------------------
% content layout
% ---------------------------------------------
% corresponds to '\halfpage', however, with the new columns we could use larger values
% (same for thirdnext)
% corresponds to '\thirdpage'
\newif\ifrecording % for enabling or disabling recording mode
\newcommand\leftorright[2]{% only works in recording mode
\newcommand\rightorleft[2]{% only works in recording mode
\newcommand\leftmiddleorright[3]{% only works in recording mode
\newcommand\rightmiddleorleft[3]{% only works in recording mode
% here, we configure the defaults
\def\fancy@cols@extra{} % no extra options for the columns environment
% init | step
% defines the increment for each step (always positive)
% you can supply a step greater than 0, allowing for 'empty-animations' between the columns
% '-' for keep, '' (empty) for forget
\def\fancy@cols@anim@init{1} % start on the first column
\def\fancy@cols@anim@step@sign{+}% count up (if there is anything to count)
\newdimen\fancy@cols@total@width % holds the column width
\newdimen\fancy@cols@height % holds the target height of the columns environment (negative for auto)
\def\fancy@cols@widths@max{100} % the maximum number to be used for widths
% with this, we define the keys that are usable within the optional argument of '\fancycolumns'
\pgfqkeys{/fancy columns}{
% search also allows to write 'c' instead of 'align/c' etc.
/fancy columns/.search also = {/fancy columns/align},
align/c/.code = \def\fancy@cols@valign{c}, % centered
align/t/.code = \def\fancy@cols@valign{t}, % top (baseline)
align/b/.code = \def\fancy@cols@valign{b}, % bottom (baseline)
align/T/.code = \def\fancy@cols@valign{T}, % top (with height, that is, aligns to the "very-top")
% with 'width' the user can set the total width to be occupied by the columns
width/.code = \def\fancy@cols@target@width{#1},
% allows to define a preset height (in case of overflowing/changing heights on animations etc.)
height/.code = \setlength\fancy@cols@height{#1},
no height/.style = { height = -1pt },
% define the margin between columns
margin/.code = \def\fancy@cols@margin{#1},
% widths={30,20} will give the first column 30%, the next 20%, and the rest (if any) an even share of the remaining 50%
widths/.code = \def\fancy@cols@widths{#1},
% this key is only for users who need to change anything for the underlying columns mechanism
extra/columns/.code = \def\fancy@cols@extra{#1},
% control the number of columns
columns/.code = \def\fancy@cols@count{#1},
% allow for 'animation=...'
animation/.code = {%
\expandafter\ifcsname @fancy@animation@#1\endcsname
\csname @fancy@animation@#1\endcsname
\PackageError{fancybeamer}{The animation '#1' does not exist! Choose either 'keep', 'forget', or 'none'.}%
% comfort variants, just so the user does not have to write 'animation='
keep/.style = {animation=keep},
forget/.style = {animation=forget},
% deliberately not offer a comfort-variant for the default (none)
% reverse animation order by setting the initial animation to the amount of columns and making the step (animation delta
% per column) negative (\fancy@cols@anim@step@sign controls if the animation goes up (+) or down (-))
reverse/.code = \def\fancy@cols@anim@init{\fancy@cols@count}\def\fancy@cols@anim@step@sign{-},
% by overwriting the style '/fancy columns/@defaults',
% the user can change these defaults
@defaults/.style = {%
c, % center align
no height,
columns = 2, animation=none, % one column, no animation
widths = {}, % use default widths (evenly distribute)
width = \linewidth, %
% this number was merely chosen to look visually pleasing
% we could also use the default columnsep of latx,
margin = 0.035\linewidth
% allows to user to overwrite the defaults
\newcommand\setfancycolumnsdefault[1]{\pgfqkeys{/fancy columns}{@defaults/.append style={#1}}}
% we need two counters
% 'fancy@cols@current' holds the column we are currently in (starts with 0)
% 'fancy@cols@currentanim' holds the slide the current column should appear on
% 'fancy@cols@current' will increment by 1 for each column
% 'fancy@cols@currentanim' may increment similarly (animation without reverse)
% ... may decrement by 1 (animation with reverse)
% ... may remain constant (without animation)
% code to be executed at the start of the columns
% reset the counter for the current column
% initialize the current animation counter with the start animation
% this is 1 without reverse, and the number of columns if reverse is active
% due to the way beamer calculates the columns, we remove the margin from the width
% see etoolbox for an explanation of '\dimdef' (basically allows for calculations with dimensions)
% activate(/overwrite) the '\nextcolumn' macro within the environment
% a rather complicated macro, which sets/calculates the widths for all columns
% issue the first column
% NOTE: we don't guard if 'columns' is below 1 (e.g. we always assume, there is 1 column)
% a temporary counter so we do not need to use low-level tex counters (like @tempcnta)
% with '\value{fancy@cols@temp}' we get the numerical value of the counter
% with '\arabic{fancy@cols@temp}' we get the (textual) "number"-value of the counter
% the only thing important by this macro are other commands sequences:
% \fancy@cols@col@0, \fancy@cols@col@1, \fancy@cols@col@2, ...
% which hold the total width, column with number 0, 1, 2, ... should occupy
% it uses the total number of columns, the supplied total width of all columns
% and the desired 'widths={...}'. If there are more columns (e.g. widths={30}, columns=3)
% it will automatically distributed the remaining space evenly.
% note, that while we assume the units of 'widths' to be percentages, it is really the
% macro '\fancy@cols@widths@max' which holds the number they should sum up to (i.e. 100)
% first of all, we iterate over the given 'widths={...}' (stored within \fancy@cols@widths)
% we use 'fancy@cols@temp' to count the number of widths supplied
% The macro '\fancy@cols@widths@max' holds the desired target which all the supplied widths should sum up to it is
% probably 100 (therefore, supplying widths={20,10}, would reduce '\fancy@cols@remaining@width' from 100 to 70)
% now we use '@for' which iterates over all widths (comma-separated) stored in '\fancy@cols@widths'
% the loop variable '\@fancy@cols@width' will hold the current width in each loop
% with 'protected@csedef' we (in short) define a new macro but supply its name in terms of another macro
% this macro name can contain numbers etc.
% essential, we define '\fancy@cols@col@<current column>' that is, 'widths={20,30}' would create:
% \fancy@cols@col@0, which holds the calculated value for 20
% \fancy@cols@col@1, which holds the calculated value for 20
% See the etoolbox package for an explanation of '\csdimdef'
% We make math on dimensions. Essentially, we calculate the total width to be occupied
% by those column (i.e. translating from the percentages of 'widths' to the real dimension)
% Example:
% with '\fancy@cols@total@width' being probably something like '\linewidth' and '\fancy@cols@widths@max' being 100
% this can be read as: '\linewidth * \@fancy@cols@width/100'
% Suppose, the current '\@fancy@cols@width' is 20, this would result in '\linewidth * 0.2' or "20% of the width of the line"
% now we update the amount of widths left (e.g., when we have '\fancy@cols@remaining@width' as 100 and a '\@fancy@cols@width' of 20,
% this will reduce the remaining number to 80). See etoolbox for an explanation of numdef
% step the counter to move to the width for the next column
% check, if we have too many columns
\PackageWarning{fancybeamer}{You specified '\fancy@cols@count' columns, but supplied more lengths to widths (\fancy@cols@widths) (page: \thepage, frame: \insertframenumber,\on@line). Reduce the amount of widths supplied or increase the number of columns}%
% after processing all 'widths={...}' we check, if the user supplied (in sum) more than we have 'e.g., when having percentages (with 100)
% supplying 'widths={90,20}' would issue this error as we now have a '110%' column
\PackageWarning{fancybeamer}{Widths (\fancy@cols@widths) sum up to more than the allowed max '\fancy@cols@widths@max' (page: \thepage, frame: \insertframenumber,\on@line). Please update the supplied widths.}%
% for the remaining columns, distribute remaining width evenly
% if the user supplied 'columns=5' (stored in \fancy@cols@count) and 'widths={15,30}',
% this will set '\@fancy@cols@remaining@cols' to 3.
% NOTE: maybe we should notify the user of the even distribution?
% we only do something, if there is at least one column that the user supplied no width
% we distribute the width evenly. therefore we calculate the width that remains for each column
% if there are 60%, and 3 columns remaining, we give each '\fancy@cols@total@width * 0.2' or 20%
% of the total column width.
% this part of the expression basically calculates the percentage (20%...)
% now, we use a while loop to iterate over the remaining columns
\@whilenum\value{fancy@cols@temp}<\fancy@cols@count\do{% 'while(i < #columns) { ... }
% we define the '\fancy@cols@col@<current column>'
% macros holding the width. With 60%, a total width of '\linewidth'
% and three out of 5 columns remaining, this would define:
% \fancy@cols@col@2, which holds \linewidth*0.2
% \fancy@cols@col@3, which holds \linewidth*0.2
% \fancy@cols@col@4, which holds \linewidth*0.2
% increment the counter
\stepcounter{fancy@cols@temp}% i += 1
% this is the macro, that will become '\nextcolumn' within the 'fancycolumns' environment
% issue a warning if too many columns
% this mus be an error, we calculate widths etc. only for the given columns
\PackageError{fancybeamer}{You configured 'columns=\fancy@cols@count', but supplied more (at least \arabic{fancy@cols@current}, page: \thepage, frame: \insertframenumber,\on@line)}{Either remove the command, or choose another Layout}%
% this is a debug statement, that can be used to se the current state within the animation
% \typeout{Creating col: \the\c@fancy@cols@current\space on slide: \the\c@fancy@cols@currentanim\fancy@cols@anim@suff, page: \thepage\space (width: \csuse{fancy@cols@col@\number\c@fancy@cols@current})}%
% now we issue the beamer '\column' command. In order to expand all arguments we first
% regarding the width, we use the macro 'fancy@cols@col@\number\c@fancy@cols@current'
% do a 'edef' (expanded definition, with LaTeX protection mechanism):
% with '<...>' we define the animation of this column
% counter 'fancy@cols@currentanim' holds the slide, this column should appear on
% '\fancy@cols@anim@suff' is either '-' (with animation=keep)
% or empty (with animation=forget)
% with 'animation=keep' (without reverse) this would be
% '\column<1->' for the first, '\column<2->' for the second, ...
% the width of the column. For this, we use the 'fancy@cols@col@0', 'fancy@cols@col@1', ... macros
% defined by '\fancy@cols@initialize@widths'
% basically execute the expanded macro (e.g. insert the column)
% update the current animation accordingly (with reverse '\fancy@cols@anim@step@sign' will be '-',
% without it will be '+') the step '\fancy@cols@anim@step' is 0 for animation=none and probably 1 otherwise.
% therefore, using 'animation=keep' without reverse, would increment the counter by '+1' (a positive 1)
% increase the current column counter (e.g. for error checking, and for getting the correct width)
% #1: arguments like 'columns=3, keep, reverse'
\pgfqkeys{/fancy columns}{@defaults, #1}%
\edef\fancy@previous@fancy@cols{\thefancy@cols@current}% store the current column counter
\begin{columns}[onlytextwidth,\fancy@cols@valign, \fancy@cols@extra]
% ---------------------------------------------
% color boxes
% ---------------------------------------------
% by definig styles, we avoid their replication
% #1: extra arguments, #2: title, #3: color of the frame, #4: padding, #5 boxname
fancy@basic-boxstyle/.style n args=5{
before title={\setlength{\parskip}{0ex}\vphantom{/}\let\boxnumber\thetcbcounter\csname fancy@box@#5@titleprefix\endcsname},
after title={\let\boxnumber\thetcbcounter\csname fancy@box@#5@titlesuffix\endcsname},
before upper={\parskip\z@\relax},
left=#4, right=#4, top=#4, bottom=#4, bottomtitle=-.5mm,
% style definition for the normal boxes
% #1: extra arguments, #2: title, #3: color of the frame and background, #4: boxname
fancy@boxstyle/.style n args=4{fancy@basic-boxstyle={colback=#3!10!background,#1}{#2}{#3}{1mm}{#4}},
% style definition for their tight variant
% #1: extra arguments, #2: title, #3: color of the frame, #4: boxname
fancy@tightboxstyle/.style n args=4{fancy@basic-boxstyle={colback=background,#1}{#2}{#3}{0mm}{#4}}
% [optional prefix] | name | color | [optional suffix]
% in the definition #2 and #3 refer to the arguments of \fancy@MakeNewBox
% while ##1 and ##2 to refer to the arguments passed on to the new tcolorbox.
% therefore, with '\fancy@MakeNewBox{definition}{orange}', we create a new tcolorbox
% named 'definition' which wenn called with '\begin{definition}[top=10mm]{My title}...'
% will result in the option list 'fancy@boxstyle={top=10mm}{My title}{orange}'
% first we assure, that we can build this box
\newtcolorbox[auto counter,reset counter on overlays]{#2}[2][]{fancy@boxstyle={##1}{##2}{fancy@box@#2}{#2}}
% here, we re-create the old macros (e.g. '\mydefinition')
% 'capture=minipage' ensures their behavior is similar to the previous one (the default for
% tcbox would be hbox and no longer fill the width)
\expandafter\newtcbox\csname my#2\endcsname[2][]{capture=minipage,fancy@boxstyle={##1}{##2}{fancy@box@#2}{#2}}%
% now, we do the same for the tight-version of the boxes
\newtcolorbox[use counter from=#2]{#2tight}[2][]{fancy@tightboxstyle={##1}{##2}{fancy@box@#2}{#2}}%
\expandafter\newtcbox\csname my#2tight\endcsname[2][]{capture=minipage,fancy@tightboxstyle={##1}{##2}{fancy@box@#2}{#2}}%
% now, get the macros in effect:
% like newBox but does not care if the box does already exist
% [optional prefix] | name | color | [optional suffix]
% name | prefix | suffix
\ifcsname #1\endcsname
\expandafter\def\csname fancy@box@#1@titleprefix\endcsname{#2}%
\expandafter\def\csname fancy@box@#1@titlesuffix\endcsname{#3}%
\PackageError{fancybeamer}{You can not set a box-prefix/-suffix for '#1' because there is no such box!}%
\ifcsname #1\endcsname
\expandafter\def\csname fancy@box@#1@titleprefix\endcsname{#2}%
\PackageError{fancybeamer}{You can not set a box-prefix for '#1' because there is no such box!}%
\ifcsname #1\endcsname
\expandafter\def\csname fancy@box@#1@titlesuffix\endcsname{#2}%
\PackageError{fancybeamer}{You can not set a box-suffix for '#1' because there is no such box!}%
\ifcsname #1\endcsname
\PackageError{fancybeamer}{You can not change the color for '#1' to '#2' because there is no such box!}
% now we simply define the boxes by name and color
% => \mydefinition and \mydefinitiontight
% furthermore defines the environment \begin{definition}{<title>} ... \end{definition}
% => \myexample and \myexampletight
% furthermore defines the environment \begin{example}{<title>} ... \end{example}
% => \mynote and \mynotetight
% furthermore defines the environment \begin{note}{<title>} ... \end{note}
% ---------------------------------------------
% Pictures
% ---------------------------------------------
\appto\Ginput@path{#1} % for loading pictures
\def\input@path{#1} % for loading picture sources
% adding links from text file to pictures automatically
\pic[#1,decodearray={1 .25 1 .25 1 .25}]{#2}}}%