#!/bin/bash echo "This script will install and configure some basic packages for RHEL-based systems." echo "Please enter the fully qualified domain name for the server:" read FQDN dnf upgrade -y dnf install epel-release -y dnf install vim wget screen nginx certbot python3-certbot-nginx podman podman-compose htop btop tree rclone -y systemctl enable nginx --now certbot certonly --non-interactive --agree-tos --email=root@libre.moe --domain $FQDN --nginx hostnamectl hostname $FQDN mkdir -p /web/$FQDN ## TODO: Download and setup a server information page wget -O /etc/nginx/conf.d/${FQDN%%.*}.conf https://git.libre.moe/lukas/server-setup-tools/raw/branch/main/nginx-templates/host.conf sed -i "s/FQDN/$FQDN/g" /etc/nginx/conf.d/${FQDN%%.*}.conf echo "Setup finished. You should now restart the server!"