• Joined on 2023-06-10
hendrik commented on pull request KomuSolutions/WANessa#26 2024-02-15 19:27:37 +01:00

Assuming the config is read-only, we could also use an Arc without while-looping everytime by using the Arc::clone() function. Also using Arcs would defeat the whole problem of poisoning due to no…

hendrik commented on pull request KomuSolutions/WANessa#26 2024-02-15 19:21:57 +01:00

If the stdout was disabled, panicking wouldn't tell the admin about the error either. The whole program shutting down is not a good indicator for a failure, if not shutting down is a safe…

hendrik commented on pull request KomuSolutions/WANessa#26 2024-02-15 19:11:07 +01:00

I assumed the config would be read only, because some attribute changes after initialization could easily cause unexpected problems. For example, changing the database server at runtime is not…

hendrik suggested changes for KomuSolutions/WANessa#26 2024-02-15 17:45:57 +01:00

I suggest some stability changes:

hendrik closed issue KomuSolutions/WANessa#23 2024-02-15 14:56:25 +01:00
Die README ... yk
hendrik merged pull request KomuSolutions/WANessa#24 2024-02-15 14:56:25 +01:00
Improve README
hendrik pushed to main at KomuSolutions/WANessa 2024-02-15 14:56:25 +01:00
8ebe2d8aff Merge pull request 'Improve README' (#24) from README-fix into main
a67e1439eb Merge branch 'main' into README-fix
475ac447d6 Merge branch 'main' into README-fix
3c6be42b9e revert to regex-compliant readme
cd95c46131 tidying up
Compare 10 commits »
hendrik deleted branch README-fix from KomuSolutions/WANessa 2024-02-15 14:56:25 +01:00
hendrik approved KomuSolutions/WANessa#24 2024-02-15 14:46:37 +01:00
Improve README

"Dateidiff unterdrückt, weil mindestens eine Zeile zu lang ist"

hendrik approved KomuSolutions/WANessa#14 2024-02-09 20:51:12 +01:00

Ich find die Änderung gut, du hast frei geschrieben und viele lints benutzt

hendrik commented on issue KomuSolutions/WANessa#4 2024-01-16 17:07:09 +01:00

Will be implemented as a "CLIopatra" module that can directly give "Peter" a command to parse. The Peter module will be extended to not only comprehend texts received via the Matrix SDK, but also…

hendrik pushed to Database at KomuSolutions/WANessa 2024-01-15 03:54:54 +01:00
840e259565 Added create DB function, helper functions, moved rec. perm. getter
hendrik pushed to Database at KomuSolutions/WANessa 2024-01-13 19:33:31 +01:00
ebbf57f28e Added database and permission modules
hendrik created branch Database in KomuSolutions/WANessa 2024-01-13 19:33:31 +01:00