Lukas Langrock lukas
lukas closed issue KomuSolutions/igot99issues#48 2024-07-25 21:32:13 +02:00
Use Duplicati for daily backups
lukas commented on issue KomuSolutions/igot99issues#48 2024-07-25 21:32:13 +02:00
Use Duplicati for daily backups

Closing this as not planned, as I changed the backups for larger volumes to a rclone sync instead of creating an atomic tar-archive. While not being an optimal solution, it works good for the…

lukas reopened issue KomuSolutions/igot99issues#31 2024-07-25 21:25:30 +02:00
Podman secrets in .env Datei speichern
lukas commented on issue KomuSolutions/igot99issues#31 2024-07-25 21:25:30 +02:00
Podman secrets in .env Datei speichern

Using .env files has worked in my testing of Revolt, reopening this now

lukas commented on issue KomuSolutions/igot99issues#32 2024-07-25 21:20:19 +02:00
Rate limit Gitea repo archives

This has now been implemented. Up to 3 downloads per minute are allowed per IP.

lukas closed issue KomuSolutions/igot99issues#32 2024-07-25 21:20:19 +02:00
Rate limit Gitea repo archives
lukas commented on issue KomuSolutions/igot99issues#33 2024-07-25 20:56:01 +02:00
Mumble server

ToDo for implementing the web-client

  • Figure out how the web client and proxy need to be set up
  • Create a Dockerfile to be able to build a deployable image
  • Integrate it as a…
lukas commented on issue KomuSolutions/igot99issues#37 2024-07-25 20:52:39 +02:00
Switch away from Azure for mass-storage backups

Closing this as the local copy has now been verified to be working.

lukas closed issue KomuSolutions/igot99issues#37 2024-07-25 20:52:39 +02:00
Switch away from Azure for mass-storage backups
lukas merged pull request lukas/b2_make_index#1 2024-07-24 23:51:16 +02:00
Upload index to bucket directly
lukas pushed to main at lukas/b2_make_index 2024-07-24 23:51:16 +02:00
b825d865d2 Upload index to bucket directly (#1)
lukas deleted branch upload-index-to-b2 from lukas/b2_make_index 2024-07-24 23:51:16 +02:00
lukas created pull request lukas/b2_make_index#1 2024-07-24 23:51:11 +02:00
Upload index to bucket directly
lukas pushed to upload-index-to-b2 at lukas/b2_make_index 2024-07-24 23:48:43 +02:00
64fc3ab45a .gitea/workflows/build_index.yml aktualisiert
lukas pushed to upload-index-to-b2 at lukas/b2_make_index 2024-07-24 23:48:24 +02:00
8b41a039c8 aktualisiert
lukas created branch upload-index-to-b2 in lukas/b2_make_index 2024-07-24 23:46:53 +02:00
lukas pushed to upload-index-to-b2 at lukas/b2_make_index 2024-07-24 23:46:53 +02:00
3ec22e2a31 aktualisiert
lukas commented on issue KomuSolutions/igot99issues#49 2024-07-24 19:30:13 +02:00
New Matrix Alternative

I'll also throw another different kind of concept into the ring: XMPP-absed solutions. Those fit really well with our ideology and are quite extensible with a vast ecosystem and tooling…

lukas commented on issue KomuSolutions/igot99issues#49 2024-07-23 19:08:17 +02:00
New Matrix Alternative

I also will look into Revolt, as it looks similar to Discord in both UI and feature set, therefore it should also meet a lot of our requirements.

lukas commented on issue KomuSolutions/igot99issues#49 2024-07-23 19:04:01 +02:00
New Matrix Alternative

Here is a quick technical review of Zulip, based on hosting this dev instance:

  • Zulip runs stable if deployed natively, but basically requires 4G of RAM for itself, meaning that it costs me…